
Menzies Aviation unveils new domestic cargo terminal in Bengaluru, India

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The 21st Annual GHI Conference in Amsterdam


This week we sponsored and attended the 21st Annual GHI Conference in Amsterdam. The GHI is an important event for Menzies Aviation because as the biggest ground handling event of the year, it provides a unique opportunity for every region in our global network to connect with customers.

This year, we were the headline sponsor of the inaugural Cargozone as well as a sponsor for the main conference. The Cargozone provided an excellent opportunity for us to market important updates in our Cargo strategy, as described by EVP Cargo, Robert Fordree:

“Cargo has not previously had a voice at the GHI Conference and as most of our global customers are present, we thought it would be a great opportunity to be the headline sponsor for the inaugural Cargozone. We are delighted with how this event has worked as we have increased our customer engagement, as well as helping to increase the profile of cargo at GHI along with the opportunity to meet old friends, colleagues and partners from the cargo business.